Rocket Lasso Ricochet是一款由Chris Schmidt大神出品的样条曲线生成特效插件,Ricochet for Cinema 4D是一个像激光一样从表面反弹的样条,从完全填充你的模型体积的数十万次反弹,到包裹你的物体,或从任何距离检测碰撞。Ricochet预先计算了它的整个路径,所以不需要猜测它最终会在哪里,也不需要等待时间线播放每一帧。它就像一个没有粒子的粒子系统。打开全新的设计空间,用样条填充任何模型的体积,偏转样条,轻松创建复杂的网状结构,新的FUI界面元素,植物生长,头部扫描效果,交互式蜘蛛网,电气和闪电效果,电气闪电流体特效等等。Ricochet可以轻松创建您从未实现过的外观,解锁在过去很乏味甚至不可能实现的特殊效果,并且是一种全新的样条曲线思考方式。通过生成器对象、体积构建、头发、草图和卡通以及第三方渲染器无缝集成到您的场景中。

Rocket Lasso创始人Chris Schmidt拥有Cinema 4D工具开发的良好记录,此前曾担任Greyscalegorilla的 3D 产品设计总监,而Richochet则由Maxon 自己提拔。

Ricochet is a spline that bounces off surfaces like a laser, from completely filling the volume of your model with hundreds of thousands of bounces, to wrapping around your objects, or detecting collisions from any distance. Ricochet precalculates its entire path, so there is no need to guess where it will end up or wait for the timeline to play every frame. It's like a particle system without the particles.Open up whole new design spaces of filling volumes of any model with splines, deflecting splines, creating complex webbing with ease, new FUI effects, plant growth, and so much more.Use the Ricochet splines to generate sweeps, create Mesh Volumes, render with Hair, Sketch & Toon, or 3rd party renders.


  • Ricochet兼容Cinema R20及以上 (不支持R25及以上版本)
  • Ricochet 适用于 PC&Mac
  • Ricochet 与您最喜欢的 3rd 方渲染器一起工作

全网首发-C4D插件:超炫酷样条曲线生成特效插件Rocket Lasso Ricochet 626CG资源站


